Antiny’s Impossible Mission

(1 customer review)





Antiny’s Im-possible Mission is a powerful tool, his story is helping children who are in bondage to pornography. This book projects reality into a world of ants, where the life between school and other daily duties becomes a challenge for the young boy who has been exposed to pornography. With the support of a helper, Antiny discovers a way to find the way back to self-esteem and love for himself. A love that he will use to help others.

1 review for Antiny’s Impossible Mission

  1. Carla Fisher

    This book helped me organize my memories and realize that I have faced a terrible trauma in my childhood, just.. I didn’t know it! I thought certain things are normal between kids, that curiosity pushes you to explore and discover sexuality in a way that feels wrong to be told to grown ups. But in a way, if everybody around you does it, it must be normal! Reading this book made me realize that there was no normal in everything was happening around me, and that growing up made me the person I am not.. unsure of myself, and with a poor ability to enjoy my private life. Now I know.. and I can finally work my way out! Thank you so much!

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